RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan(ロボカップ2017)

RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan(ロボカップ2017)
All posters will hang all day, but must be manned only in the assigned poster session following the teaser presentation.
10:40-11:00 | Poster Teasers 1 |
Thomas Röfer CABSL - C-based Agent Behavior Specification Language |
Sarah Haas, Thomas Ulz and Christian Steger Secured Offline Authentication on Industrial Mobile Robots using Biometric Data |
Thomas Weber, Sergey Triputen, Michael Danner, Sascha Braun, Kristiaan Schreve and Matthias Rätsch Follow Me: real-time in the wild Person Tracking Application for Autonomous Robotics |
Klaus Dorer Learning to Use Toes in a Humanoid Robot |
Enric Cervera, Gustavo Casañ and Ricardo Tellez Cloud Simulations for RoboCup |
Aijun Bai, Stuart Russell and Xiaoping Chen Concurrent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for RoboCup Keepaway |
Andre Mühlenbrock and Tim Laue Vision-based Orientation Detection of Humanoid Soccer Robots |
Matthias Hofmann and Thorben Seeland Situation-dependent Utility in Extended Behavior Networks |
11:00-11:30 | Poster Session 1 |
12:30-12:50 | Poster Teasers 2 |
Xiping Wang, Feng Wu, Dongcai Lu and Xiaoping Chen A Robust Algorithm: Find an Unknown Person via Referring Grounding |
Takuya Fukushima, Tomoharu Nakashima and Hidehisa Akiyama Online Opponent Formation Identification Based on Position Information |
Santosh Thoduka, Frederik Hegger, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar and Paul G. Plöger Motion Detection in the Presence of Egomotion Using the Fourier-Mellin Transform |
João Victor M.C. Oliveira, Leonardo B. Farçoni, Adam H. M. Pinto, Rafael G. Lang, Ivan N. Silva and Roseli A. F. Romero A Review on Locomotion Systems for RoboCup Rescue League Robots |
Lotte de Koning, Juan Pablo Mendoza, Manuela Veloso and René van de Molengraft Skills, Tactics and Plays for Distributed multi-robot control in Adversarial environments |
Arthur Demarchi, Leonardo B. Farçoni, Adam Pinto, Rafael G. Lang, Roseli Romero and Ivan N. Silva Modelling a Solenoid's Valve Movement |
Matias Mattamala, Gonzalo Olave, Clayder González, Nicolás Hasbún and Javier Ruiz-Del-Solar The NAO Backpack: An Open-hardware Add-on for Fast Software Development with the NAO Robot |
Thomas Muender and Thomas Röfer Model-based Fall Detection and Fall Prevention for Humanoid Robots |
Lunch and Poster Session 2 |
16:15-17:00 | Poster Session 3 with coffee break |
RoboCup2017 Nagoya Secretariat
(Inter Group Corp.)
[Tel] +81-52-581-3241
Orchid Building 8F, 2-38-2, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450-0002 JAPAN