RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan

RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan(ロボカップ2017)

RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan(ロボカップ2017)

RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan(ロボカップ2017)
RoboCup2017 > Regsitration


RoboCup 2017, Nagoya

Important information about the registration process, fees, periods, and cancellation policy.


Please direct all general registration questions and inquiries via email to

Please direct any questions regarding the distribution of letters of invitation via email to

1) Overview of the Registration Process

We are using a web-based system, RegOnline:


Only qualified teams can register. Please wait until your league qualifies the teams and your team will be available in RegOnline. There is a registration code necessary which we will send to the team leaders of the qualified teams.

Registration proceeds separately for each qualified team and for the team leader and team members. When registering a team, you need to include the information for a "point of contact" for the team. Please note, though, that the person serving as point of contact is not registered at that time, but only the team is registered. In addition to registering your team, all team leaders and team members need to register as Faculty/Staff or Student participants.

Credit card payments are immediately validated.
The other available method of payment takes time. No registration is considered complete until full payment is received.

The participants from the countries requiring visas

The necessary documents including the Invitation letter for VISA application will be sent by post to the participants at our very earliest convenience after the registration is COMPLETE. Please wait patiently for the payment to be complete. If you still have questions, please email to

We have MAJOR leagues and JUNIOR leagues. All fees are in US Dollars (USD).

2) MAJOR Leagues Registration - Dates and Fees

Qualified teams are organized by league. No major team can register after June 30, 2017.
Team members can only register after their team registration is complete.

Date Participants Price

Early registration
March 8 – May 31, 2017

Team $790
Faculty/Staff $515
Student $380
Individual* $515
Regular registration
June 1 – June 30, 2017
(No team registration accepted after June 30, 2017)
Team $920
Faculty/Staff $580
Student $440
Individual* $580
Late registration
July 1 – July 22, 2017
Faculty/Staff $650
Student $515
Individual* $650

* Major Individual – Faculty who do not have teams, but want to register for the competition can register as a non-participant. No prior registration of a team is required in these cases. These participants are invited to all social events, but may not enter team areas and do not receive a RoboCup 2017 certificate.

We strongly encourage everyone to register as early as possible. Please avoid on-site registration, as we may be forced to reject on-site registrations due to space limitations. Nobody will be admitted to the site and to the team areas before being fully registered and all payments have been received. There will be no exceptions. Long waiting hours may be incurred at the on-site registration.

3) JUNIOR Leagues Registration - Dates and Fees

Date Participants Price

March 8 – June 30, 2017
(No team registration accepted after June 30, 2017)

Team $160
Mentor $160
Student $160
Junior Parent/Chaperone $160

Late registration
July 1 – July 22, 2017

Mentor $290
Student $290
Junior Parent/Chaperone $290


  • Before you can register your junior team, the team must be qualified. Please contact your RoboCupJunior national representative for all questions concerning qualification.
  • Junior teams MUST HAVE at least TWO TEAM MEMBERS in order to register. Junior teams MUST consist of minimum of TWO TEAM MEMBERS.
  • We STRONGLY RECOMMEND teams to register ALL TEAM STUDENTS AT ONCE. The system DOES NOT allow you to add only ONE TEAM STUDENT to your existing registration. Adding more team student(s) later without two extra students will not be possible
  • Parents or other mentors need to register as Junior Parent/Chaperone for permission to enter the site at any time, to be admitted to certain restricted areas, and to participate in social events.
  • Parents accompanying their children, who want to visit the site only during hours for public access and only in areas open to the public, do not need to register. For visitor information, please visit:

Venue (
Schedule (

We strongly encourage everyone to register as early as possible. Please avoid on-site registration, as we may be forced to reject on-site registrations due to space limitations. Nobody will be admitted to the site and to the team areas before being fully registered and all payments have been received. There will be no exceptions. Long waiting hours may be incurred at the on-site registration.

4) Registration as Symposium Only Participant - Fees

It is possible for both faculty and students to register as Symposium Only participants. Invitation letters to Symposium Only participants are issued to those with accepted publications therein, only.

On the registration web site, choose “Symposium Only Faculty/Staff'' or ''Symposium Only Student''.

Non-Participant/Symposium Only Faculty/Staff:

Faculty/staff $380
Student $245

All registered team members are automatically admitted to the Symposium. Team members do not need to register separately for the symposium.

5) Payment Methods

Our registration web site offers the following payment options:

a) Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX). THIS IS THE PREFERRED METHOD.

b) Wire Transfer (USD). AVAILABLE ONLY UNTIL June 30, 2017.

Wire transfer should be used in exceptional cases only, and if credit card payment is not possible. Registration will be considered complete only if the amount due is received IN ITS TOTALITY IN US DOLLARS in the bank account on or before the respective date (e.g., May 31st, for early registration). It is your responsibility to ensure that this will be the case. In order to help expedite the payment process, we ask that you please send your check number or wire transfer transaction information to Please note that wire transfer payments will be deactivated after June 30, 2017.

6) Visas and Cancellation Policy

Participants from some countries do require a visa for Japan. (

For those who need a visa, here is the policy:
The necessary documents including the Invitation letter for VISA application will be sent to a team member once the team registration and the team member registration have been completed, i.e., payment has been received. There will be no exceptions.

The following cancellation procedure applies:

- The visa application was not successful; and
- The registration was completed (i.e., payment received) by May 31, 2017; and
- The cancellation is requested before June 30, 2017,

- The full registration amount will be refunded, except for a handling charge of $100 per person, and $100 for the team if the team is also cancelled.
- There is no refund.

RoboCup Japan


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Official Logistics Partner
RoboCupJunior Japan RoboCup Japan


City of Nagoya Nagoya Travel Gide NAGOYA-INFO


RoboCup2017 Nagoya Secretariat (Inter Group Corp.)
[Tel] +81-52-581-3241
Orchid Building 8F, 2-38-2, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450-0002 JAPAN

© RoboCup 2017. All rights reserved.