RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan

RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan(ロボカップ2017)

RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan(ロボカップ2017)

RoboCup2017 Nagoya Japan(ロボカップ2017)
RoboCup2017 > Symposium

RoboCup Symposium 2017 (July 31, 2017)


The 21st Annual RoboCup International Symposium will be held in conjunction with RoboCup 2017. The Symposium is a primary venue for presentation and discussion of scientific contributions to a variety of research areas related to all RoboCup divisions. Its scope includes, but is not restricted to, research and educational activities in robotics and artificial intelligence.

Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the Symposium offers a unique venue for exploring both theory and practice in wide spectrum of research fields. The experimental, interactive, and benchmark character of the RoboCup initiative presents an opportunity to disseminate novel ideas and promising technologies, rapidly adopted and field-tested by a large, and still growing, community.


08:50-09:00 Welcome and Greetings
09:00-10:00 Keynote Speaker 1 (Hajime Asama)
10:00-10:40 Oral Session 1: (20 minutes each)
  Timothy Wiley, Ivan Bratko and Claude Sammut
A Machine Learning System for Controlling a Rescue Robot
  Nicolai Ommer, Alexander Stumpf and Oskar von Stryk
Real-Time Online Adaptive Feedforward Velocity Control for Unmanned Ground Vehicles
10:40-11:00 Poster Teasers 1 (8 papers) - 2 minutes each
11:00-11:30 Poster Session 1 with coffee break
11:30-12:30 Oral Session 2: (20 minutes each)
  Timm Hess, Martin Mundt, Tobias Weis and Visvanathan Ramesh
Large-scale Stochastic Scene Generation and Semantic Annotation for Deep Convolutional Neural Network Training in the RoboCup SPL
  Nicolas Cruz, Kenzo Lobos-Tsunekawa and Javier Ruiz-Del-Solar
Using Convolutional Neural Networks in Robots with Limited Computational Resources: Detecting NAO Robots while Playing Soccer
  Jacob Menashe, Josh Kelle, Katie Genter, Josiah Hanna, Elad Liebman, Sanmit Narvekar, Ruohan Zhang and Peter Stone
Fast and Precise Black and White Ball Detection for RoboCup Soccer
12:30-12:50 Poster Teasers 2 (8 papers) - 2 minutes each
  Lunch and Poster Session 2
14:00-15:00 Keynote Speaker 2 (Maya Cakmak)
15:00-16:00 Oral Session 3: (20 minutes each)
  Shunki Takami, Kazuo Takayanagi, Shivashish Jaishy, Nobuhiro Ito, Kazunori Iwata, Yohsuke Murase and Takeshi Uchitane
Proposed environment to support development and experiment in RoboCupRescue Simulation
  Tetsunari Inamura and Yoshiaki Mizuchi
Competition design to evaluate cognitive functions in human-robot interaction based on immersive VR
  Olivia Michael, Oliver Obst, Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg
Analysing Soccer Games with Clustering and Conceptors
16:00-16:15 Poster teasers 3 (7 papers) - 2 minutes each
16:15-17:00 Poster Session 3 with coffee break
17:00-17:40 Oral Session 4: (20 minutes each)
  Caroline Rizzi, Colin G. Johnson and Patricia A. Vargas
Fear Learning for Flexible Decision Making in RoboCup: A Discussion
  Kenzo Lobos-Tsunekawa, David L. Leottau and Javier Ruiz-Del-Solar
Toward Real-Time Decentralized Reinforcement Learning using Finite Support Basis Functions
17:40-18:00 Close Remarks

Team Descriptions

RoboCup Soccer

RoboCup Rescue

RoboCup Industrial


symposium map

Aichi University Nagoya Campus
Global Convention Hall
Address: 60-6 Hiraike-cho 4-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 453-8777 JAPAN
・10 minutes' walk from Nagoya Station
・2 minutes' walk from Sasashima-raibu Station

Please note:
Please make sure that the venue of the Symposium is located away from Portmesse Nagoya and Takeda Teva Ocean Arena. Please check the venue information above before you come.

How to participate

All registered team members of competitions are automatically admitted to the Symposium. Team members do not need to register separately for the symposium.
Registration as a Symposium Only participant is also possible. Invitation letters to Symposium Only participants are issued to those with accepted publications therein, only.

If you want to register as a Symposium Only participant, you need to access the RegOnline website and choose "Symposium Only Faculty/Staff" or "Symposium Only Student".

Fee for Symposium Only Participants:

Faculty/staff $380
Student $245


Symposium Co-chairs

  • Oliver Obst, Western Sydney University
  • Flavio Tonidandel, Centro Universitario da FEI
  • Hidehisa Akiyama, Fukuoka University
  • Claude Sammut, UNSW

Program Committee

  • Luis Paulo Reis, University of Minho
  • Bernardo Cunha, Universidade de Aveiro
  • Javier Ruiz-Del-Solar, Universidad de Chile
  • Thomas Roefer, Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
  • Klaus Dorer, Hochschule Offenburg
  • Ubbo Visser, University of Miami
  • Arnoud Visser, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Gerald Steinbauer, Graz University of Technology
  • Nuno Lau, University of Aveiro
  • Patrick MacAlpine, University of Texas at Austin
  • Thomas Gabel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • Frieder Stolzenburg, Harz University of Applied Sciences
  • Esther Colombini, Unicamp
  • Olivier Ly, LaBRI - Bordeaux 1 University
  • Daniele Nardi, University of Rome "La Sapienza"
  • Ansgar Bredenfeld, Dr. Bredenfeld UG
  • Joschka Boedecker, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • Saeed Shiry, Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Anna Helena Reali Costa, Universidade de Sテ」o Paulo
  • Gerhard Lakemeyer, RWTH Aachen University
  • Heni Ben Amor, Arizona State University
  • Minoru Asada, Osaka University
  • Cetin Mericli, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Luis Enrique Sucar, INAOE
  • Paul G. Plöger, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science
  • Gerhard Kraetzschmar, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University
  • Aaron Wong, The University Of Newcastle
  • Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, Centro Universitario FEI
  • Joydeep Biswas, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Stephan Chalup, The University of Newcastle
  • Xiaoping Chen, University of Science and Technology of China
  • Luca Iocchi, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Bikramjit Banerjee, The University of Southern Mississippi
  • Jianmin Ji, School of CS, University of Science and Technology of China.
  • Timothy Wiley, UNSW
  • Alexander Ferrein, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
  • Raymond Sheh, Curtin University
  • Sven Behnke, University of Bonn
  • Yasutake Takahashi, University of Fukui
  • Tekin Mericli, Carnegie Mellon University
  • H. Levent Akin, Bogazici University
  • Alfredo Weitzenfeld, University of South Florida
  • Eric Matson, Purdue University
  • Fredrik Heintz, Linkoping University
  • Elena Messina, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Komei Sugiura, NICT, Japan
  • Mikhail Prokopenko, University of Sydney
RoboCup Japan


Global Sponsors

Global Partner

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Official Logistics Partner
RoboCupJunior Japan RoboCup Japan


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RoboCup2017 Nagoya Secretariat (Inter Group Corp.)
[Tel] +81-52-581-3241
Orchid Building 8F, 2-38-2, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450-0002 JAPAN

© RoboCup 2017. All rights reserved.